After Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead, His followers were a frightened, weak group that was having no impact in their community.  Just before he ascended to the Father, Jesus told them in Acts 1:4-5 “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.  For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

We see the fulfillment of this in Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit shows up and fills this small band of believers with His power and they become an UNSTOPPABLE FORCE FOR JESUS!  They go from being afraid to be known as Jesus’ disciples to preaching the Gospel boldly to thousands and seeing the Church birthed.  I like to say it like this, “When God shows up, everyone else shuts up.”

We are living in a time and place not so unlike what the Church of Corinth was dealing with in their time and we are called to be an UNSTOPPABLE FORCE FOR JESUS in this time and this place.  We are going to walk through what made this church both an force to be reckoned with in the Spirit and an terrible mess in the natural.  How are we “Grounded in His Word and Empowered by His Spirit?”

Come join us starting Sunday, September 16th as we discover together.